Hurricane Milton Photos
Here are some of the photos taken of the property after Hurricane Milton illustrating the damage received.

Gulfside Pool Area Plans
[pdf-embedder url="https://www.vbhctimeshare.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Gulf-Side-Pool-area-plans.pdf" title="Gulf Side Pool area plans"]

January Newsletter Update
I hope this update finds everyone well. Check out our latest update regarding the gulf side area along with pictures to see our progress. [pdf-embedder url="https://www.vbhctimeshare.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Vanderbilt-Beach-and-Harbour-Club-1-1.pdf"]

Progress – Rooms Update
Owners, Greetings all: (12/15/2023) Work around the pool and hot tub continues on the Gulf side. Electrical for the "seawall" side was ran and they are working on replacing all the plumbing to both pool and hot tub. I am putting pictures under the BLOG area in the website so…

Finally, some progress on the Gulf side pool area.
Greetings all: (11/28/2023) We are finally seeing some progress at the gulf side pool area. Both the pool and the hot tub have been emptied and they are grading all the area so they can start putting all the electrical runs in for all the things like tiki hut, grills…

New furniture is ordered!
The new furniture has been ordered. It should arrive and be installed by the end of the year! The designer did a wonderful job of keeping it comfortable and "beachy." [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="https://www.vbhctimeshare.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/New-Furniture.mp4"][/video]

Property pics
We are getting things done one thing at a time. The fire system is almost done (waiting on one part). The beach has been renourished by the county. The seawall was just poured and will be ready for the construction fencing in the very near future. The fill for the…

A Quick Update – more to come in the next two weeks
The first picture is of the newly installed webcam. Soon you will be able to watch the progress in real time and see exactly what you are coming to visit! This should be set up by mid-week next week. Keep your eyes on the Home Page for the webcam coming…
Hurricane Ian Link for Photos and Videos During/After Storm
Please click Read More for a link containing pictures and short videos of what was found the morning after the hurricane. These are more informational for our insurance carriers. More pictures of the slow but steady progress will follow on Monday or Tuesday. Thanks again for your patience. Click for…