Progress – Rooms Update
Greetings all: (12/15/2023)
Work around the pool and hot tub continues on the Gulf side. Electrical for the “seawall” side was ran and they are working on replacing all the plumbing to both pool and hot tub.
I am putting pictures under the BLOG area in the website so please visit that area so you can see.
Room furniture is here and in place!!! We managed to swap all the furniture last week and now we re working on new drapes for all the units as well. The Gulf side units are missing the entertainment center for the TV. The company had some set back on that piece. It should be here by the second week of January. If your unit is on the Bay side you have everything in including that piece.
The boats are being addressed as well. We are working on getting the big one service next week or so and get it ready. As soon as we know that we are good to go we will notify everyone.
I can’t wait to see the finished product.!
Happy Holidays and a very Merry Christmas to everyone!
Please make sure that you stop by and say hi when you are in town.
Good bye for now and I hope everyone has a wonderful week.
Julio Morales
General Manager